12. GTD for Teams
GTD is about personal productivity but how does it impact an organization?
Which parts of GTD are most used in relation to gaining a shared overview and collaborating with others?
Det officielle GTD® Coaching-program tilbydes nu i Danmark
1 af de 30 certificerede GTD® Coaches i verden! Vi er stolte af at kunne dele, at Danmark nu har en af de 30 certificerede GTD® Coaches, som findes verden over. I denne måned kunne Lars Rothschild Henriksen, direktør i GTDnordic og certificeret GTD® Level 1 & 2 Trainer, nu også tilføje denne titel til
11. Capture Tools in GTD
The topic of this episode is a question from one of our listeners: What tools to use for capturing while driving/running?
10. The Natural Planning Model from GTD
The Natural Planning Model (chapter 3 in the GTD-book) is an amazing model to think through your projects and it’s probably one of the most underused elements of GTD! So be sure to listen to this episode, we can almost promise you that you’ll want to start using this on more of your projects (in case you aren’t using it already).
9. What are the Horizons of Focus in GTD?
In this slightly longer episode, we dive deep into the Horizons of Focus. What are they and how do they fit into the GTD methodology? Or maybe you already know how important these can be – how do I get started?
8. GTD Project and Action Support Material
What’s the difference between reference material and support material for actions and projects? And what types of support materials are common?
Brug projektlisten til at undgå stress: En GTD’ers historie
Jeg havde svært ved at prioritere min tid og vidste egentlig heller ikke, hvor arbejdet startede og sluttede. Min løsning var at arbejde mere, for ingen skulle nogensinde komme og sige ‘Det har Trine ikke gjort’. Billedet herover er af Trines skrivebord som det ser ud i dag, men sådan har det ikke altid set
7. The Three-fold Nature of Work & The Limiting Criteria
Your day is already split into three different types of work, even though you may not be aware of it! What are they and why are they relevant?
How do you take these into account when setting your expectations for what you can get done?
How do you decide if you should handle work that just shows up?
6. Step 5 in GTD: Engage
We are at the end of our walkthrough of the five steps to manage your workflow. In this episode we cover the fifth and final step: Engage!