Lars Rothschild Henriksen

Lars er certificeret Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue Trainer, Getting Things Done® (GTD) Master Trainer og coach og står for Vital Learning i Danmark.

59. GTD Areas of Focus

A practical deep dive into Horizon 2: Areas of Focus and Accountability.

Getting this overview, both personally and professionally, really takes your GTD game to the next level. Listen to (or this time, perhaps you want to watch?) this episode, where Morten and Lars cover
– What your areas of focus might look like
– How this horizon interacts and impacts other horizons of your work and life
– How they are useful in both in your personal and professional “complex/messy/rich” life

59. GTD Areas of Focus Læs mere »

ep57 Listener questions #8: Project prioritization & sharing a GTD system

“Are we totally crazy for sharing a GTD system?” This question came from one of our listeners via email and it is a common question for couples practicing GTD – how do we share the system, what works and what doesn’t? In this episode, we’ll dive into this question as well another listener question on Projects/AOF’s/Goals and their priorities.

ep57 Listener questions #8: Project prioritization & sharing a GTD system Læs mere »

Har du brug for mere luft i kalenderen?

En af de mest klassiske udfordringer, vi møder, er kalenderen. Eller, kalenderen er jo uundværlig. Men manglen på luft i kalenderen, som ofte giver følelsen af manglen på kontrol over sin hverdag. Måske en meget deadline-dreven hverdag, hvor få ting bliver streget på todo-listen? Læs herunder om, hvorfor og et tip til, hvordan du skaber luft i kalenderen.

Har du brug for mere luft i kalenderen? Læs mere »

51. Renewing Your GTD Practices After The Pandemic

Do you need to review your GTD practices post-pandemic?
As parts of the world are returning to more normal working conditions, your GTD system might need a tune-up to follow along! Listen to this episode to hear Morten and Lars’ takes on:
– How your projects list might need to be revisited
– How your lists of next actions could be impacted
– Handing on to good practices that you picked up while working from home

51. Renewing Your GTD Practices After The Pandemic Læs mere »

Tanker om en papirbaseret tilgang til GTD

Denne artikel er skrevet af Thorbjørn Gude Weber – maskinteknisk koordinator hos Energiproduktion i Aarhus og dansk GTD-entusiast. Thorbjørns artikel kommer som kontrast til Michael Dreves’ artikel om hans digitale system og automatisering, for hvordan ser det ud når det hele (næsten) bliver papirbaseret? Og så i sidste ende, alligevel retur til det digitale, mange

Tanker om en papirbaseret tilgang til GTD Læs mere »

43. Transitioning from music manager to entrepreneur – interview with Michael Vitten Carlsson

What does a transition from one business to another look like for a GTD?

As a manager for musicians in Denmark, Michael Vitten Carlsson’s business was hit hard by Covid-19. With shows being cancelled and no clear end in sight, a shorter and shorter projects list put him in a tough spot – where do I go from here?

43. Transitioning from music manager to entrepreneur – interview with Michael Vitten Carlsson Læs mere »

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