56. Tools Check-In 2021

What tools do Morten and Lars use today as part of their GTD practice?

Listen to (or watch) this episode to learn about:

– What tools they use today for capturing and organizing

– How they use their tools differently from last year

– What new tools have made their way into their systems

..and much more! This is an in-depth epsiode, which we really hope that you benefit from, and we’d love to hear what you use too? And as alwas, it’s worth reminding you that the tools you need for YOUR GTD practice will differ from theirs, so please use this episode as an inspiration to reflect on YOUR tools and their usage/value for you.


– Morten/Lars’ channels on YouTube, if you want to watch the episodes:

    – Lars: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkLSfpBA_YrjFMFuDiy5G0Q

    – Morten: https://www.youtube.com/c/MortenRøvikGTD

We really hope that this episode helps you on your GTD journey and, as always: If you have any feedback we’d love to hear from you via podcast@gtdnordic.dk, you can learn more about GTD in the Nordics at https://GTDnordic.com and find cool GTD gear at https://GTDshop.com.

If you prefer to see the video version you can do so below:

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