What does it look like when creative people use GTD to become even more creative and get more done?
Listen to this episode with Karl Ivar Refseth, musician and Norwegian-German GTD® Trainer, where he explains how he uses GTD as a musician to get a clear mind and stay present in-concert.
If you want to connect with Karl Ivar, you can find him here:
On social media: https://www.facebook.com/karl.refseth
Links to some of his very cool musical projects:
Karl Ivar Refseth Solo: https://vimeo.com/265220727
The Notwist: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=570758060292891&ref=watch_permalink
Seminar “Beat like Stomp!” -Learning kids how fun and simple it can be to create music: https://youtu.be/oxcg6FqH4Uc
And as always, if you have any feedback we’d love to hear from you via podcast@gtdnordic.dk, you can learn more about GTD in the Nordics at https://GTDnordic.com and find cool GTD gear at https://GTDshop.com.