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GTD Summer Camp 2025 – June 13-15 – Joining Friday

juni 13 - juni 15

The GTD Summer Camp is for all GTD’ers and others interested in Getting Things Done® (GTD). This is an annual event organised by the Danish GTD Community in collaboration with Vital Learning in Denmark.

For the 2025 GTD Summer Camp we now have 2 ticket types: “Joining Friday” and “Joining Saturday”! This is the Joining Friday ticket, which includes everything related to the Summer Camp including the beloved pre-dinner:

    • Dinner including a beer/glass of wine on Friday
    • A great evening to start off the Summer Camp (as late as you prefer)
    • A single bedroom from Friday to Saturday
    • Breakfast Saturday morning, ready for the official Summer Camp program which starts at 9:00.
    • Participation in all scheduled events in the Summer Camp
    • A single bedroom to stay in from Saturday to Sunday
    • Lunch & dinner on Saturday + breakfast & lunch on Sunday
    • A fantastic weekend with likeminded people – did you know that GTD’ers are the nicest people in the world?

Once finalised, you can see the full program here.


juni 13
juni 15


Vital Learning


Kobæk Strand Konferencecenter
Kobækvej 85
Skælskør, 4230 Danmark
+ Google Maps


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Joining Friday
kr. 3.600,00
4 tilgængelig

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